hang on big sur..

we first went to big sur last may and i declared it my favorite place..ever. we had another trip planned for last fall, but the campground cancelled at the last minute for mysterious reasons. i was crushed. we finally made it back a couple of weeks ago and i never wanted to leave.

i love this place.

i believe the fires started exactly one week later from a lightning strike and are still blazing. i am hoping that there are no other homes and buildings lost or trees burned.

ironically, the sun didn't come out much when we were there recently and my photographs reflect a different mood than the pictures from my first visit.

i love these photographs, however, as they say something about what i am feeling at this time. something i can't exactly put into words right now. it's as if big sur (this living place) was showing its calm, contemplative beauty before the fire.

it is my hope that these photographs bring a feeling of peace and inspiration to you, as well..
